Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maya Hair using Renderman: BYU 2011 senior film antagonist: Paddy

It has been a long journey learning how to harness the power of Maya Hair using Renderman but it looks like things are finally working out. Work done: Six hairsystems to make up Paddy's beard, mustache, eyebrows, and hair. Textured, groomed and simulated the hair. The simulation is currently rendering. Stay tuned. Two hair systems to make up the boy's hair. (Model of Paddy done by Scott Chase and model and texture of boy done by Dreamgiver team. The work done by me is all of the hair.)


  1. babe.. the creeper with chops (aka. paddy) looks AMAZING! I can't wait to see it in action! you're so pro. i love you.

  2. Really awesome stuff. Love Paddy's look (reminds me of a Muppet).

  3. This is beyond impressive, really great work.

  4. really good stuff!, do you have any tutorials or any links? I'm trying to learn MAYA Hair to add to my characters, I'm a character Modeler.

  5. Hi Limonj. Thanks for your comment. I am waiting until a few more people ask for hair tutorials before I go into all the work it will take to set one up. Thanks and stay posted because I'm sure I'll post one up here pretty quick.

  6. Wow looks really amazing!!, how do you make the hair, i´m trying hard but i can´t do that :(.

  7. Please make a tutorial! This looks amazing.
